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Copyright (C) 2019 Weizhang Huang (whuang@ku.edu)
MMPDElab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
MMPDElab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License.
MMPDElab_v1_all.tar.gz : All files of MMPDElab (v 1.0)
An Introduction to MMPDElab
License_MMPDElab.txt : Lincense file
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_absA.m : computes sqrt(A*A).
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_AT.m : computes A'.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_average.m : computes the element-wise average of M.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_ceil.m : sets a ceiling on the eigenvalues of M.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_det.m : computes det(A).
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_detE.m : computes the det of the edge matrix.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_edge.m : computes the edge matrix.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_edge2.m : computes the edge matrix.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_inv.m : computes inv(A).
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_mult.m : computes A*B.
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_sqrtA.m : computes sqrt(A).
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_trace.m : computes trace(A).
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_traceAAT.m : computes trace(A*A^T).
src_MMPDElab/Matrix_traceAMAT.m : computes trace(A*M*A^T).
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_bvp.m : solves BVPs using the moving mesh P1 FEM
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_Error_P1L2.m :
computes the L2 error in P1 FE approximation
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_Error_P1Linf.m :
computes the L_inf error in P1 FE approximation
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_int_weights.m : defines the weights
for numerical integration in FE discretization
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_jac.m : computes the Jacobian matrix of the FE equations
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_jpattern.m : compute the pattern matrix
for the Jacobian matrix of the FE equations
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_mass.m : compute the mass matrix for the FE equations
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_radau45TS.m : implements the Radau 45 two-step method
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM_rhs.m : computes the rhs of the FE equations
src_MMPDElab/MovFEM.m : solve IBVPs using the moving mesh P1 FEM
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_circle2tri.m : computes a triangular mesh for a circle
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_cube2tet.m : computes a tetrahedral mesh for a cube
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_freeBoundary_faceNormal.m :
computes the outward unit normals for the boundary facets
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_freeBoundary_vertexNormal.m :
computes the outward unit normals for the boundary vertices
recovers the gradient and Hessian of a P1 FE solution at vertices
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_GradKRecovery.m :
recovers the gradient of a P1 FE solution on elements
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_GradRecovery.m :
recovers the gradient of a P1 FE solution at vertices
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_LinInterp.m : computes linear interpolation
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_MeshMerge.m : merges two meshes that do not
overlap but may share common boundary vertices
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_MeshQualMeasure.m :
computes mesh quality measures
computes mesh quality measures (2nd type)
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_MeshRemoveNodes.m : removes a node from a mesh
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_MeshUniformRefine.m :
uniformly refines a mesh
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_metric_arclength.m :
computes the arclength metric tensor
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_metric_F2C.m :
computes the metric tensor on a coarse mesh from that on a fine mesh
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_metric_intersection.m :
computes the intersection of two metric tensors
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_metric_iso.m :
computes an isotropic metric tensor
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_metric_smoothing.m :
smoothes the metric tensor
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_metric.m :
computes a metric tensor
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_rect2tri.m :
computes a triangular mesh for a rectangle
integrates the MMPDE over a step (x-formulation with M = I)
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh_XM.m :
integrates the MMPDE over a step (x-formulation)
src_MMPDElab/MovMesh.m :
integrates the MMPDE over a step (xi-formulation)
examples/ex1d_1.m :
generates an adaptive mesh for a given function (1D)
examples/ex1d_burgers.m :
solves the 1D Burgers equation
examples/ex1d_burgers2.m :
solves the 1D Burgers equation (2nd example)
examples/ex1d_heat.m :
solves the 1D heat equation
examples/ex1d_poisson.m :
solves the 1D Poisson equation
examples/ex2d_1.m :
generates an adaptive mesh for a given function (2D)
examples/ex2d_2_Lshape.m :
generates an adaptive mesh for a given function (for L-shaped domain, 2D)
examples/ex2d_3_hole.m :
generates an adaptive mesh for a given function (for domain with a hole, 2D)
examples/ex2d_4_horseshoe.m :
generates an adaptive mesh for a given function (for horseshoe domain, 2D)
solve the 2D Burgers equation using two-level moving mesh strategy
examples/ex2d_burgers.m :
solve the 2D Burgers equation
examples/ex2d_combustion.m :
solve a combustion model
examples/ex2d_heat.m :
solve the 2D heat equation
examples/ex2d_poisson_Lshape.m :
solve the Poisson equation on L-shaped domain
examples/ex2d_poisson.m :
solve the Poisson equation
examples/ex2d_ut.m : solve u_t = 0 in 2D
examples/ex3d_1.m :
generates an adaptive mesh for a given function (3D)
examples/ex3d_heat.m :
solve the 3D heat equation
examples/ex3d_poisson.m :
solve the 3D Poisson equation